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SEAD 520: Life cycle-based Environmental Footprinting

Introduction to Life Cycle-Based Environmental Footprinting and the application of basic methods for life-cycle environmental inventory and impacts modeling. LCA theory and quantitative analysis, approaches for assessing and reducing the environmental impacts of product, process, and technology systems. System boundary and functional unit design approaches, process-based and input-output-based methods for modeling mass and energy flows in life-cycle systems. How LCA can facilitate sustainable technology innovation and deployment, behavioural and societal changes, and policies, standards and regulations.

SEAD 540: Industrial Ecology and Systems

Industrial ecology theory, concepts, normative goals and analytical methods. Material and energy flows, environmental impacts of industrial activities, systems thinking, transitioning from linear to closed loop systems, recent contributions to sustainable product systems, urban metabolism, optimized materials or energy management, development of a circular economy, new environmental policies and business models based on product or material lifecycle information. Consumer and organizational behaviour in transitioning to sustainable industrial systems.

CIVE 545: Life Cycle Assessment and the Circular Economy (Coming Soon)

Teaching training (more recent)

“Best Practices in University Teaching Workshop,” Center for Educational Resources, Johns Hopkins University, January 2018. Associate Dean & Director Michael Reese, Center for Educational Resources, Johns Hopkins University.

“Top tips to build student teams that excel” webinar, Taylor Teaching and Learning Center, University of Calgary, January 2018.

“Preparing students for the unknown” webinar, Taylor Teaching and Learning Center, University of Calgary, January 2018.

Evaluation and co-teaching workshops, Taylor Teaching and Learning Center, University of Calgary, 2014-2015.