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Zainab Obaid Almheiri

Zainab Obaid Almheiri

Zainab Almheiri is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Civil Engineering at McGill University. She is currently working with Prof. Sarah M. Jordaan on evaluating life cycle assessment and techno-economic analyses of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies for various applications, including transportation and grid storage. Zainab graduated from McGill University in February 2022 and obtained her Ph.D. from the Department of Civil Engineering.

She specializes in developing decision-making tools using machine learning to ensure the sustainability of the built environment. In February 2022, she joined the Peter Guo-Hua Fu School of Architecture for a one-year project funded by Hydro-Quebec. In this role, she led a multidisciplinary team consisting of members from computer science, engineering, and architecture. Together, they investigated pathways and proposed solutions to overcome the challenges of enhancing the sustainability and performance of existing buildings across Quebec using intelligent approaches.

Her research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning, life cycle assessment, and techno-economic analyses for sustainable buildings and energy systems.